In the previous publication "The Sabbath Day", it was seen that Saturday, the seventh day, is in fact the stipulated day of worship by Yahweh. An older post, "Who Nailed The Law To The "Cross" (Part 2)", revealed that members of the then Roman Empire unlawfully nullified the laws of Yahweh, and passed down their own traditions and beliefs as laws. The Voice of Yahweh has been digging away the dirt of time, and revealing the deceptive seeds that has been planted by demons themselves; exposing all falsehood in Christendom to the light of truth! The issue of the Passover is no different, as many Christians believe they are keeping the Passover through practices such as "Lord's Supper" or "Communion". Is the Passover still to be kept today? ... Is there a difference between 'Passover' and 'Communion'? ... How do we Celebrate the Feast of the Passover?
The first mention of the Passover festival is seen in Exodus 12:8-11. In this passage the Israelites were taught how to observe the Passover festival. They had to get a year old, male lamb without fault (Ex.12:5), roast it over fire and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs (Ex.12:8-9).
Historically, the Passover speaks of the redemption of the Israelites. It speaks of a time when Yahweh, through His servant Moses, brought His people out of the bondage of Egypt. The Passover [then] was symbolic of divine protection and the deliverance of the Israelites. The Israelites were asked slaughter a male lamb, and smear the blood on their door posts (Ex.12:7). This blood mark acted as a divine mark of protection so that when Yahweh PASS OVER Egypt, those who are under this blood mark will not suffer the curse (Ex.12:13). From just this single fact, one can see that the Passover is no minor thing, hence it has to be observed with reverence, sincerity and in accordance to Yahweh. Paul alluded to the seriousness of the feast in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30. After the Israelites were delivered from the Egyptians, they were asked to observe the Feast the following year on the exact same day (Num.9:1-3). It was then given as command for it to be done annually on the fourteenth day of the first month (Lev.23:5).
Prophetically the Passover speaks to the redemption of the elect! It speaks to a time when Yahweh, through His son Yahshua, will bring His children out of the bondage of this world. The Passover [now] is symbolic of divine protection and the deliverance of the saints. As it is that the lamb was slaughtered, so was Yahshua brutally murdered, and yes, he died on the fourteenth day of the first month. Yahshua died on the Feast of the Passover! Observe the sequence starting with Luke 22:1-2. The Scribes plotted against Yahshua as the Passover drew neigh. It is important to note that according to the Jewish calendar, the day begins at sunset, hence when Yahshua sat down at the table to eat with his disciples in Luke 22:14, it was the START of the day which was the evening of the fourteenth. Later on that night when it was dark, he was arrested and brought into custody (Luke 22:53). When the sun rose (still on the 14th) he was brought before the council (Luke 22:66). Finally he was murdered BEFORE sunset, hence he died before the fifteenth. John said something very important that most people might have missed in John 19:31. He described the approaching Sabbath as a 'High Day'. What could possibly make one Sabbath higher than another? The book of Leviticus chapter 23 gives a list of "holy days" in which holy convocations ought to be proclaimed on these days (Lev.23:2). In Leviticus 23:38 Yahweh described all these days as SABBATHS. One of these "Sabbaths" happened to be on the fifteenth day of the first month (Lev:23:6). The approaching Sabbath that John wrote about in John 19:31 therefore was not the regular seventh day Sabbath, but an annual Sabbath known as Unleavened Bread. The Feast of Unleavened Bread comes AFTER the Feast of the Passover, and if Yahshua died BEFORE the Feast of Unleavened Bread, then indeed he died on the Passover. This is why Paul described him as our 'Passover Lamb' (1 Cor.5:7).
Now it all makes perfect sense, and proves that the covenant really has not changed. As it is that Israel had to eat the flesh of the lamb, so must we eat Yahshua's flesh. This is why he gave the bread and said "this is my body" (Luke 22:19). As it is that Israel was saved by the blood of the lamb, so are we saved by the blood of Yahshua. As it is that Israel had to keep an annual memorial to remember that blessed day when they were freed, so we ought to keep an annual memorial to remember what Yahshua has done to free us from the curse of sin. The law of the Passover has not changed, its prophetic meaning remains, and the name has not changed either. It is still called the Passover. All that has changed is the PEOPLE and the emblems.
One of the greatest misconceptions of the Passover, is that it is the same as Communion or Lord's Supper - It is not! Should one ask a Christian "Why do you take communion?", eight out of ten responses would be "because 'Jesus' told me to". The institution of "Lord's Supper" and "Communion" has robbed Passover of its significance in our lives. The rich typology and prophetic symbolism are torn away from the Passover through the observance of "Communion" and "Lord's Supper". Most Christians are not even aware of the fact that this Feast IS a memorial of the death of the messiah. They gather weekly, monthly, quarterly and so on to "commemorate" ... but to commemorate what? If someone dies, the memorial is held annually on the day the person died; not weekly or monthly. We were commanded to keep the Feast "at their appointed time" (Lev.23:4), not when we feel it is necessary. It is also somewhat insulting to see Christians using bread with leaven (yeast) in this practice. Leaven, throughout scripture, is a representation of sin. Yahweh commanded us in Deuteronomy 12:32 to do ONLY what He has commanded. Once we alter or change what is written, we are no longer being obedient, but rebellious.
The Passover today, as it has always been, is kept on the fourteenth day of the first month [of the Jewish calendar]. The Passover this year was on the 24th of March. The Passover meal comprises of unleavened bread and wine, and it is ate at evening (start of the Jewish day). Yahshua introduced a new practice which is commonly done at the Passover, which is the washing of feet (Jn.13:14). At the meeting, the reflection is on Yahshua who died for us on this day, but more importantly the comfort that we are covered under his blood so when Yahweh shall PASS OVER the earth in the last day, we who are marked by his blood will be left alive (Rev.7:3).
Historic and Prophetic Meaning of the Passover
The first mention of the Passover festival is seen in Exodus 12:8-11. In this passage the Israelites were taught how to observe the Passover festival. They had to get a year old, male lamb without fault (Ex.12:5), roast it over fire and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs (Ex.12:8-9).
Historically, the Passover speaks of the redemption of the Israelites. It speaks of a time when Yahweh, through His servant Moses, brought His people out of the bondage of Egypt. The Passover [then] was symbolic of divine protection and the deliverance of the Israelites. The Israelites were asked slaughter a male lamb, and smear the blood on their door posts (Ex.12:7). This blood mark acted as a divine mark of protection so that when Yahweh PASS OVER Egypt, those who are under this blood mark will not suffer the curse (Ex.12:13). From just this single fact, one can see that the Passover is no minor thing, hence it has to be observed with reverence, sincerity and in accordance to Yahweh. Paul alluded to the seriousness of the feast in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30. After the Israelites were delivered from the Egyptians, they were asked to observe the Feast the following year on the exact same day (Num.9:1-3). It was then given as command for it to be done annually on the fourteenth day of the first month (Lev.23:5).
Prophetically the Passover speaks to the redemption of the elect! It speaks to a time when Yahweh, through His son Yahshua, will bring His children out of the bondage of this world. The Passover [now] is symbolic of divine protection and the deliverance of the saints. As it is that the lamb was slaughtered, so was Yahshua brutally murdered, and yes, he died on the fourteenth day of the first month. Yahshua died on the Feast of the Passover! Observe the sequence starting with Luke 22:1-2. The Scribes plotted against Yahshua as the Passover drew neigh. It is important to note that according to the Jewish calendar, the day begins at sunset, hence when Yahshua sat down at the table to eat with his disciples in Luke 22:14, it was the START of the day which was the evening of the fourteenth. Later on that night when it was dark, he was arrested and brought into custody (Luke 22:53). When the sun rose (still on the 14th) he was brought before the council (Luke 22:66). Finally he was murdered BEFORE sunset, hence he died before the fifteenth. John said something very important that most people might have missed in John 19:31. He described the approaching Sabbath as a 'High Day'. What could possibly make one Sabbath higher than another? The book of Leviticus chapter 23 gives a list of "holy days" in which holy convocations ought to be proclaimed on these days (Lev.23:2). In Leviticus 23:38 Yahweh described all these days as SABBATHS. One of these "Sabbaths" happened to be on the fifteenth day of the first month (Lev:23:6). The approaching Sabbath that John wrote about in John 19:31 therefore was not the regular seventh day Sabbath, but an annual Sabbath known as Unleavened Bread. The Feast of Unleavened Bread comes AFTER the Feast of the Passover, and if Yahshua died BEFORE the Feast of Unleavened Bread, then indeed he died on the Passover. This is why Paul described him as our 'Passover Lamb' (1 Cor.5:7).
Now it all makes perfect sense, and proves that the covenant really has not changed. As it is that Israel had to eat the flesh of the lamb, so must we eat Yahshua's flesh. This is why he gave the bread and said "this is my body" (Luke 22:19). As it is that Israel was saved by the blood of the lamb, so are we saved by the blood of Yahshua. As it is that Israel had to keep an annual memorial to remember that blessed day when they were freed, so we ought to keep an annual memorial to remember what Yahshua has done to free us from the curse of sin. The law of the Passover has not changed, its prophetic meaning remains, and the name has not changed either. It is still called the Passover. All that has changed is the PEOPLE and the emblems.
Misconceptions of the Passover
One of the greatest misconceptions of the Passover, is that it is the same as Communion or Lord's Supper - It is not! Should one ask a Christian "Why do you take communion?", eight out of ten responses would be "because 'Jesus' told me to". The institution of "Lord's Supper" and "Communion" has robbed Passover of its significance in our lives. The rich typology and prophetic symbolism are torn away from the Passover through the observance of "Communion" and "Lord's Supper". Most Christians are not even aware of the fact that this Feast IS a memorial of the death of the messiah. They gather weekly, monthly, quarterly and so on to "commemorate" ... but to commemorate what? If someone dies, the memorial is held annually on the day the person died; not weekly or monthly. We were commanded to keep the Feast "at their appointed time" (Lev.23:4), not when we feel it is necessary. It is also somewhat insulting to see Christians using bread with leaven (yeast) in this practice. Leaven, throughout scripture, is a representation of sin. Yahweh commanded us in Deuteronomy 12:32 to do ONLY what He has commanded. Once we alter or change what is written, we are no longer being obedient, but rebellious.
Passover Today
The Passover today, as it has always been, is kept on the fourteenth day of the first month [of the Jewish calendar]. The Passover this year was on the 24th of March. The Passover meal comprises of unleavened bread and wine, and it is ate at evening (start of the Jewish day). Yahshua introduced a new practice which is commonly done at the Passover, which is the washing of feet (Jn.13:14). At the meeting, the reflection is on Yahshua who died for us on this day, but more importantly the comfort that we are covered under his blood so when Yahweh shall PASS OVER the earth in the last day, we who are marked by his blood will be left alive (Rev.7:3).
The Voice of Yahweh has spoken ... He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches
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